A Walk in the Woods

Coming Back to Your Senses on a Forest Therapy Journey in the San Francisco Bay Area

I think learning how to walk more slowly may be the key to everything •

I think learning how to walk more slowly may be the key to everything •

Michael Pollan | Journalist/Writer

reflecting on his Walk in the Woods with Jen Borrow


What is A Walk in the Woods?

It is an opportunity to experience the practice of Forest Therapy. It is a deep slowing down, reconnecting and building partnership with nature through a series of guided invitations that are simple, open and sensory. Through the senses, physical and imaginal, one returns home to the body - and to nature - our earthly home.


Slowing Down

By opening to your senses, and awakening to that which is around you, you naturally slow down, feel into your own heart sense, and come into coherence with the natural world and its rhythms.



When you come into coherence with the natural world, you reconnect with yourself, the more-than-human world and your fellow humans.



In connecting with the more-than-human world, you begin to remember the relationship you have always had with it. This remembrance allows you to partner with nature through invitations of play, curiosity, and reciprocity.

Interested in diving deeper into the roots of forest therapy and forest bathing? Learn more

Join a Walk

Join me on a regular weekend walk, or customize it. I so look forward to having you join me as we connect back to nature and rekindle our relationships to the more-than-human world.


Walk Reflections


Remotely Guided Walks

During this time, I am also offering remotely guided forest walks. To participate, you will find a place in nature that you feel comfortable in, be it your backyard, balcony, or a park near your home where you can be for approximately 90 minutes. Or if you can’t leave your home, perhaps a window where you can see nature from, or even an indoor plant.

You will have one headphone in your ear, listening to me and the other ear listening to what is around you in nature. Please contact me to schedule a remotely guided walk.


Custom Guided Walks

Should the current locations for the walks not work for you, please get in touch so we can discover a location and timeframe that works!


Capturing Moments

Another interest of mine is photography. Gaining perspective, capturing a moment, an angle, the rays of the sun, a laughing flower. I have always loved taking photos. May you enjoy these, as much as I have from taking them.


Forest Therapy Resources

A place where I share with you my thoughts on my current interests and books that have helped open my eyes to the beauty of nature within and without.
